
  • Web Design - A first step to create the digital footprint

       by PixelWeb Infotech Tuesday, October, 08, 2024


    hat comes to your mind when you listen the word web design? Something like creating visuals for a website? Or maybe building blueprint for a website? Something like a map for website. Well Web design involves building architecture for website involving creating content, images and navigation for the end user of website.


    The visual, content and programming part are important ingredients of web design to give a functional aspect to website. All these are parts of web design team. In all these elements of web design, creativity is very much important. In addition the end user should not be ig....

  • Website-Significance in Business world

       by PixelWeb Infotech Tuesday, October, 01, 2024


    ebsite means a set of related web pages on World Wide Web containing information about a particular subject. There are at present 1 billion websites world over. Out of which India has 0.06% websites.


    In India many Businesses do not have website, limiting their presence on internet where large number of people are looking for solution. In a survey done in 2016 it was found that half of small businesses don’t have a website.


    By not having website the business is limiting the reach and cost effective means of r....